StadtumMig II

From urban restructuring quarters to immigration neighbourhoods? New perspectives for peripheral industrial housing estates; Sub-Project B: Public space

The project is linked to the project "From urban restructuring quarters to immigration neighbourhoods? New perspectives for peripheral industrial housing estates" (StadtumMig I). Using the examples of large housing estates in Schwerin, Halle (Saale) and Cottbus, this project examined the potential and problems associated with the immigration of refugees into former urban restructuring districts. Crucial challenges for the sustainable and socially just development of these neighbourhoods are: a) the uncertain financing and lack of cross-sectional orientation of integration work, b) group-specific diversified demands on open spaces and public space as well as the implementation of ecological urban regeneration, and c) social boundaries and barriers in the accessibility of infrastructure and participation.

The aim of the IOER sub-project is to work together with the local partners in the three neighbourhoods to (1) identify concrete needs and wishes of the residents for the design and use of public (open) spaces as places of encounter and participation and for the implementation of ecological requirements, (2) to systematically and purposefully process experiences from other implementation examples, (3) to jointly develop, test and evaluate approaches for physical interventions, and (4) to publish the findings appropriate for the target groups in science and practice.

Research Question
What are concrete and transferable approaches for the development of needs-oriented, multifunctional, and at the same time robust, flexible and open public spaces in large housing estates that function as places of encounter and participation and contribute to sustainable urban development?

In the sub-project led by the IOER, the concrete conditions on site will be mapped and the group-specific open space needs will be identified through participatory surveys. In parallel, the structural framework conditions and their implications for the activation and long-term development of these places will be analysed. In close cooperation with the municipal administrations and local actors and institutions, concrete implementation measures will be accompanied.

Planned results
The IOER sub-project addresses questions of the use, (ecological) design and development of public (open) space as a contribution to sustainable development of the neighbourhood type large housing estate. Based on a systematic and participatory situation analysis (neighbourhood maps) and an evaluation of further practical experiences (synthesis paper), the practical partners are advised on the further development of existing open spaces. The results will also be incorporated into participation tools and capacity trainings planned by the project partners. The experiences from the implementation support are presented and discussed at transfer workshops. The findings, especially on the possibilities and obstacles of the structural framework conditions for implementation (ownership structures, financing and maintenance), will also be published in journals and presented at national events.

Results from the previous project StadtumMig I
Friedrich, K.; Rößler, S. (2023): Situationsanalyse Städtebau, Wohnungsbestand, Freiraum, Infrastruktur. Working Paper 2 des Projekts "Vom Stadtumbauschwerpunkt zum Einwanderungsquartier - Neue Perspektiven für periphere Großwohnsiedlungen". Leibniz-Institut für ökologische Raumentwicklung (IÖR), Dresden.

StadtumMig-Projektteam (Hrsg.) (2023): Vom Stadtumbauschwerpunkt zum Einwanderungsquartier. Herausforderungen und Perspektiven für ostdeutsche Großwohnsiedlungen