Simulation Game: "adjustment of peripheral settlement structures"

(MORO Vorstudie)

In the course of adjustment to the consequences of demographic change in rural, peripheral settlements, discussions about the political acceptance of the possible local planning option "strategic retreat" from splinter settlements and smaller districts may be necessary.
The considerations about "strategic retreat" come with uncertainties by the actors about the legal and financial consequences of such a tool.  Much greater are the uncertainties regarding the local- and regional political dynamics and reactions, that would be caused by considerations like this. 

Spatial Development  (BBSR), with a focus on content related and organisational aspects.

In preparation for the simulation game regarding those questions, a preliminary study will be implemented for the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) and the Federal Institute for Research and Building, Urban Affairs and The Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IÖR) compiles the scientific foundations for the options for action in the areas of building stock, technical, traffic-, social and cultural infrastructure and evaluate the legal practicability.

Scientists from the Interdisciplinary Centre for Ecological and Revitalising Urban Transformation (IZS) are working on that project (Dr Stefanie Rößler, Christian Schneider) as well as the research fields "resource efficiency of settlement structures"  (Dr Georg Schiller) and "strategic questions and perspectives" (Prof. Dr Gerold Janssen).

The project will be implemented under the leadership of Gertz Gutsche Rümenapp from the urban development and mobility GbR, Hamburg in cooperation with proloco, Bremen.