One of the greatest challenges facing Chinese urbanisation is how to best design and turn cities into socially integrative and sustainable environments. Good practices and methods from Europe in terms of social inclusiveness, cultural dynamics and economic viability have proven to be very significant to China, but Chinese cities need new insights to implement, scale up and transfer these practices in their own operational realities. This can also pro-duce positive learning effects on the European side, and will influence the European research agenda on sustainable urbanisation.
The key objective of TRANS-URBAN-EU-CHINA is to help policy makers, urban authorities, real estate developers, public service providers and citizens in China to create socially integrative cities in an environmentally friendly and financially viable way. Moreover, it will help urban stakeholders in Europe to reflect and eventually reconsider their approaches towards sustainable urbanisation.
IOER is coordinating work package 3, which is aiming at strengthening urban renewal, complementing strategies for urban expansion, and improving related land banking and management systems. The focus of IOER will be on issues of socially integrative urban renewal.
Research Questions
The task of IOER is addressing the question, to what extent and how urban planning and land management are conducive to socially integrative urban renewal in Chinese cities and which recommendations can be derived for future urban renewal.
Based on a comparative analysis of political strategies and experiences of urban renewal in Europe and China a systematic knowledge will be developed. Practice examples from Europe and China will be analysed with regard to appropriate planning approaches to support socially integrative urban renewal. Recommendations to implement and adapt relevant instruments will be tested Urban Living Labs located in Chinese cities.
A first result is a systematic overview about the state of the art regarding the framework, strategies and challenges of urban renewal in Europe and China. Finally, recommendations for urban planning and land management of urban renewal in Chinese cities, but also repercussions for Europe will be elaborated, to support transition towards socially integrative cities in China. The findings will be published in publically available reports, policy briefs, an online compendium, and a book.